How good is your memory?
The first test I took was the picture short-term memory test which I was able to remember 14 of the 20 pictures. This is impressive for me. I just tried to create a story using as many pictures as possible, and most of it came back to me when I needed it. The pictures I couldn't remember were likely a result of not giving them enough significance in my mental story. It's an effective and simple test that doesn't take much time to complete.
The second test I took was the short-term memory test which I had an 84% accuracy. This is unimpressive because I genuinely found it difficult to keep track of every picture in my head. I know that if I did It a few more times, I could improve my score. This test is a simple but easy way to test your short-term memory.
The final test I took was the coin memory test. I chose E as my answer, but the real answer is A. It genuinely was extremely difficult to know which one was the correct answer. I knew what a penny was, but when asked to point out the intricate details of one, I fumbled. Honestly, it could have been either or. I think it is because I don't spend my time examining every detail of a penny, so I only knew enough about one to identify its value. This test is a valid way of testing your memory, but it's not repeatable.
After taking the tests, I read an article that discusses the effects of flavonoids on our memory. It's found that flavonoids improve cognitive function through an experiment done on rats. Rats were given diets, and at the end of the experiment, the ones who had flavonoids (in the form of blueberries) had better learning and motor skills in events such as walking planks, climbing poles, and swimming through mazes. Flavonoids could even prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by relieving the effects of neurotoxins. There are multiple foods that contain flavonoids such as blueberries, soy, pine bark, or cocoa.
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